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Within these groups of symbols and symbolic sequences is a form of powerful search and replace MAGIC expressions. They work almost like mathematical operators do on numbers, but in this case they work with text and binary computer data. Here is a summary list of SEARCH and REPLACE Symbols and Forms: SEARCH Operators: | ~ & Groups: {UnmarkedGroup} {} (MarkedGroup) () #<number> %<number> (MarkedGroup)=<VName> (MarkedGroup)::<VName> #<VName> %<VName> Quantity: -/;!?*+ *{N,M} *{N} *{N,} *{N,} +{N,M} ?{N,M} !{N,M} ... Position: ^ $ <Word> <<Var>> ` ' Single Byte Character: . (any) [<set>] [^<notset>] [<set>^<notset>] OR [!<notset>] [<set>!<notset>] \[<TypeCharacter>] \0[bdhox]<Num> \<0-255> Double Byte: \N (DOS New Line) \0[BDHOX]<Num> Escape character: (option -E) \[^$[].(){}<>#%-/;!?*+&|~`'@:,=] Control: :[abci] Literal File: :f[<file>] Definition: @<def> @@<def>(<MacroParameter>) Separation: , REPLACE Edit Operators: & %<n> +<n>{<pat>} ?<n>{<pat>} -<n>{<pat>} %<VName> +<VName>{<pat>} ?<VName>{<pat>} -<VName>{<pat>} Edit Control: :[eluLU] Edit Insert File: :f[<file>] Edit Insert Single Byte: \[befgnqrstPQ] \0[bdhox]<Num> \<number> Edit Insert Double Byte: \N (DOS New Line) \0[BDHOX]<Num> Edit Insert File Name: \F Current File name \R Current file Root name Edit Separation: , Definition: @<def> @@<def>(<MacroParameter>) Edit Exclude character(s) options: -kE or -kX<d> \[{}%+?-&:,] NOTES ----- These are explained as follows: Use double quotes "<ME>" at both ends of <ME> having characters <, >, |, spaces or tabs. ie: Characters <, >, | have SPECIAL meanings to the DOS command shell. Spaces or tabs are ignored unless surrounded by double quotes. Ranges [<sets>] use magic characters @!^-, and ] See the section about [Ranges] or [Sets]. Use double %% for single % in .bat files. ie: To use the %<n> Magic Search or Edit operator in a batch file simply use two %'s "%%" that will be seen as one "%". Put "Patterns" in DOUBLE QUOTES, esp. in Windows NT. ie: Windows NT DOS command lines add Magic of their own to many punctuation characters that are used by ERE. <Symbol> means to insert symbolic item for Symbol, not "<" or ">". Again, the notation of <Symbol> is a standard way of saying: Use an item in place the SYMBOLIC ITEM <Symbol>. Do not put in the extra arrows or angles '<' and '>' and/or the word "Symbol" unless they are definitely part of what You are looking or using as a replacement. {}, (), :f[<EMPTY-file>] or other Empty Pattern matches ANY Point ie: MANY matches can occur if any of these are used. The Empty Pattern can also occur in OR and AND patterns like "a|:i" where the term ":i" only has a control capability. Quantity [-/;!?*+] and Any . match in/at DOS New Line with option -x To explore in and beyond the DOS NewLine, use option -x.
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