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LIMITATIONS of Magic Expressions: 1) Number of complex operators in a single pattern: The maximum number of ranges [<rng>] or \<TypeCharacter> marked groups (<grp>) fat OR, thin OR, AND <exp0>[|~&]<exp1> repeat <exp>[-/;!?*+][{m,n}] start of word < end of word > start of variable << end of variable >> start of line ^ end of line $ OR literal sequences abc, :f[<file>], \<escNum> that can be put in a pattern, to include its possible definitions is *** 256 ***. (ie: a pattern can have up to 256 placements of the StartOfWord "<" pattern position symbol. A pattern can have up to 256 uses of OR and AND operators [|~&] TOTAL). 2) The widest Repeat sequence will be less than 65535 Bytes if using the Repeat operators "<exp>[?*+!-/;]" or "<exp>[?*+!-/;][{m,n}]". 3) The largest literal sequence will be less than 64K bytes and is dependent on the system memory available, the size of the rest of the pattern, various options such as ignore case (-i), etc. 4) The number of pattern @definitions that call other @definitions is limited by the program stack. Admittedly, in a recent release (1.75) PDGREPPE only could descend to a depth of about 7 @definitions. Hopefully this will improve in future versions.
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