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PDGREPPE follows some standards in its pattern specification. This helps PDGREPPE and You to relate use of PDGREPPE to other valuable Search and Replace tools and technology. Some parallel Standards that PDGREPPE MAGIC tracks are: POSIX Various matching symbols and forms used by PDGREPPE are part of the POSIX standard in IEEE group 1003.2. POSIX is an abbreviation for the Portable Open System in Unix. "POSIX.2" or "1003.2" is the IEEE group that has defined the symbols and forms that should exist in UNIX command line utilities to include Regular Expressions (RE's). Section 2.8 in POSIX standard 1003.2 specifically addresses RE's. Many of the pattern symbols that occur in ERE used by PDGREPPE are found in the POSIX standard. Some of these are: . Any [set] Character Class + One or More Repetitions ? One or Zero Repetitions * Zero or More Repetitions {j,k} Repetitions Boundaries < Start of Word > End of Word ^ Start of Line $ End of Line | OR (grp) Marked Group Symbols and "forms" like these are also found in "magic" pattern searches conducted by applications like the Microsoft word processor MS-WORD in its Search and Change dialogs that use a "Wild Cards" option. GNU PDGREPPE uses some of the SAME option letters that some other GREP's use such as "-b", "-A<d>", "-P<d>" and "-e<d>" used by GNU Grep. Also, the replacement symbols in the ERE of PDGREPPE are similar to those in GNU Emacs. ZYLABS Pattern Definition Language (PDL) uses the same symbol "@" for identifying Definitions in Search/Replace patterns as other definition interpreters from companies like ZYLABS and their product line that includes the ZYINDEX compiled-index location applications and libraries.
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