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There are 2 varieties of Definitions (DEF's), Simple and Macro. Simple Definitions: @<d> insert definition <d> from pattern definition file here A Definition name (DNAME) begins with the @ character followed by a non-digit character in a standard variable range [a-zA-Z_] and possible trailing characters in the standard variable range of [0-9A-Za-z]. (The option -jv<d> can be used to change characters possible in a variable name, but the first digit of a variable name must NOT be a digit 0-9.) A DNAME can be like @cat, @dog, @TOTAL, @Minus, @Tarantula, @Under_Score, @a999, etc, but NOT @666. DNAME's and Definition Patterns (DPAT's) are placed into a text file You create. The basic form of a DEF is <DNAME> <DPAT> in the text file. (The "<" and ">" are omitted.) Full Syntax and other information about DEF's is given in the PDL (Pattern Definition Language) Section that follows. A definition name can be up to 256 bytes long and must occur on just one line. They are case sensitive: upper and lower case letters must match in a pattern and in the PDFILE. Patterns can be continued onto the next line by using a backslash "\" at the end of a line. Lines can be comments by using a semicolon ";" to start a line. They also can be continued to the next line by a backslash. You can use the "-jF<d>" option to put plenty large definitions or variable names in a pattern within a Command Line File. Definition files can be any size supported by your system. DNAME's are used by PDGREPPE for retrieval of pattern definitions from definition files (PDFILE's). PDFILE's contain pairs of definition names and actual definitions. Example: pdgreppe -1 -Hjc "@Consonant+" file_id.diz ..."@Consonant+" finds some consonant spans "+" because a definition line Consonant [\C] is in ere.def and "+" after [\C] means one or more of previous. Macro Parameter Definitions: @@<d>(<P>) same but use <P> for Parameter in definition Macro Macro Definitions have names similar to Simple Definition names but have two '@' characters at the front. In these, a simple text substitution is made in the Definition file with the parameter <P>. The format for a definition in the Definition file is <DefinitionName><Space(s)><UniqueParameterName><Space(s)><Definition> Example: A macro defined in a Definition file is MakeMy Day ThisIsDay Here, "MakeMy" is the definition name, "Day" is the parameter for substitution placement, and "ThisIsDay" is the full definition, that includes one occurrence of "Day". So if a user has a pattern @@MakeMy(Monday) the resulting pattern will become ThisIsMonday because "Monday" is substituted wherever "Day" occurs in the full definition of the Definition file "ThisIsDay" This simple one parameter macro capability has been added to help create search items more easily. An Example: To find up to the First occurrence of something, a pattern like this might be used {{Something}!.}* which means wherever there is NOT "!" {Something} found, advance by one character "." for zero or more times "*". So an easier way to make a Magic expressions is to use MACRO's like AdvanceUpTo PARAM {{PARAM}!.}+ pdgreppe -1 -Hjc "@@AdvanceUpTo(E)" file_id.diz ...that finds some characters up to the first possible occurrence of a Capital "E". Easier than having to type in a pattern like {{E}!.}+ Another example: pdgreppe -1 -Hjc "@@AdvanceUpTo(\u+)" file_id.diz ...that finds some series of characters up to a Capitalised sequence but not the sequence itself. IMPORTANT: When using PDL @Definitions any NUMBERED marked group reference %<n> or #<n> must be in the current pattern definition. See the PDL (Pattern Definition Language) Information section.
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