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Evaluation, Prices, Registration, Terms of License, and APPLICATION to obtain software from Intelligence Services Distribution PentaTextTools is FREE to non-profit and non-government Users. Other entities who use PentaTextTools as a way of gaining money or regulating a society MUST apply and receive a license by registering PentaTextTools with Intelligence Services. Registration application information is contained in the file REGISTER.FRM and is also inside README.EXE. Any Organisation or Individual can distribute a Text Tool SHAREWARE set (not a registered set) on a FREE basis with minimal costs charged for disks, postage, etc. Evaluation A limited period of 90 days from the point of installation of a Text Tool set from Intelligence Services onto a business or government computer is given for EVALUATION purposes only. Application *** The following Investigation and Change software utility SETS are available: PC GREPPES PDGREPPE FGREPPE PC PentaText Tools (includes both of the above) PDGREPPE FGREPPE NLX HEAD STRINGS PC TriText Tools NLX HEAD STRINGS All operate on PC-DOS operating systems version 2.0 and better, or equivalent emulators on ANY IBM-PC or clone. Prices The prices for registered versions of these are as follows: SET PRICE (see NOTE below) --- ----- PentaText Tools $ 70 ($50)* GREPPES Tools $ 50 ($30)* Tri Text Tools $ 30 ($20)* OR as a Single TOOL (NO documentation: .EXE file + .KEY file) : TOOL PRICE (see NOTE below) ---- ----- PDGREPPE $ 30 ($20)* FGREPPE $ 20 ($10)* NLX $ 10 ($ 5)* STRINGS $ 10 ($ 5)* HEAD $ 10 ($ 5)* All prices are in Dollars and include postage and handling. See file PRICES.LIS. Sets are sent on a PLAIN 3 1/2 inch 1440KByte High Density Diskette to traditional (SMAIL) addresses (by sea mail if outside Australia). NOTE: There are ($Discounts) for sending to an EMAIL account. Individual Tool documentation is available via the Internet at http://isvs.tripod.com Registration A PentaTextTools user must personally register and install any program by using a specific option -R<d> Register this program with supplied key <d> and .KEY file. with a .KEY file and special non-electronic information signature by option to Register a PentaTextTools program. e.g. use PDGREPPE -R"SomeValue" with PDGREPPE.KEY in a current directory on a current drive. This uses the signature "SomeValue" to change PDGREPPE to become Registered. After this action, the registered version of a PentaTextTools program has a personal or organisation name embedded within the program, along with registration number. Minor Updates to PentaTextTools programs will use the SAME registration keys and signatures. BENEFITS of Registration: There is NO NAG at the end of using a registered version of a PentaTextTools program. The NAG can be avoided by PentaTextTools programs by using the option "/i" just after a PentaTextTools program name. e.g. NLX /i -h *.bin However this disables the use of %ENVIRONMENT% variables such as %PDGREPPE_OPTIONS% for persistent default operation. NAGS do not happen when "Standard Output" of a Text Tool is redirected to a Pipe "|" or a File ">". INDUCEMENTS: ANY number of persons in a registered organisation (on ANY number of computers) are permitted to use a SET or copy of a SET or TOOL or copy of a TOOL represented by a Single SET or TOOL registration. ********************************************************** Please include the following information with application: Full Name of Business or Government organisation or Personal Name of Individual to use GREPPES, PENTA or TRI TEXT TOOLS : (80 characters maximum) _______________________________________________________________________ Postal Street or Box Address _______________________________________ City State PostalCode _______________________________________ Country (if not Australia) _______________________________________ OPTIONAL: Contact or REDUCED PRICE EMAIL Address _______________________________________________________________________ The ETHICAL Nature of the business or government function: _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Payment for APPROVED Applications can ONLY be made with LEGAL CASH ($US Dollars or $AUS Dollars or &UK Pounds) We only accept CASH because of Extreme Bank Transaction Fees to avoid official financial accounts red-tape. AGAIN: Send CASH and applications by POSTAL MAIL to: Intelligence Services GPO Box 9 ADELAIDE SA 5001 AUSTRALIA or CASH by POSTAL MAIL to the above address and ELECTRONIC MAIL applications to: intlsvs@gmail.com Please provide a reply-paid self-addressed envelope or valid electronic mail address for requests or questions. User Supported Software: The User Supported Software concept is an attempt to provide software at low or no cost. The cost of offering a new product by conventional means is staggering, and prevents many independent authors and small companies from developing and promoting their ideas. User Supported Software is an attempt to develop a new marketing channel, where products can be introduced at low or no cost. Everyone benefits with User Supported Software : 1. The User will benefit by receiving quality products at low or no cost, and by being able to "test drive" software thoroughly before purchasing or going further with it. 2. The author benefits by being able to enter the commercial software arena without first needing large sources of venture capital. But it can only work with your Support. We're not just talking about PentaTextTools here, but about all User Supported Software. If you are using a program after trial period of a few months, then evidently it is worth something to you, and you should send in a donation or, if a Business or Government organisation, MUST definitely pay up for PentaTextTools or other User Supported Software. Terms of License We reserve the right to refuse registration to any business or government body that does not meet our criteria for ETHICAL HEALTHY Nature Friendly conduct: NO nuclear-chemical-biological or other military/police weapon manufacturers, meat/fish or tobacco or alcohol/other extremely dangerous hard drug producers, Uranium or other Poison mining, corporate Monopolists, totalitarian fascis psycho governments.
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EMAIL : intlsvs@gmail.com