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A TRUE/FALSE test of whether the point of pattern match is at a certain place or position in the data occurs with these symbols. Like the "!" NOT repeat operator, the point of match in the data remains the same as before the test. A position test allows for a more exact match to data and can speed up a search by making the match less ambiguous. It does not advance the test pointer. ^ start of line pdgreppe -Hjc "^" file_id.diz ...start of line(s). NOTE : In later DOS CMD.EXE shells, it may be necessary to double ^ into ^^ or enclose it in quotes. $ end of line pdgreppe -Hjc "$" file_id.diz ...end of line(s). Starts and Ends of Words and Variables:: Symbols exist for matching starts and ends of sequences of words or names of variables in the data. Starts and Ends of Words: <W start of word W (default character range [0-9A-Za-z]) pdgreppe -1 -Hjc "<" file_id.diz ...start of a Word. This can be affected by option -jw<d> where <d> specifies the <range> of characters possible in a Word. W> end of word W (same) pdgreppe -1 -Hjc ">" file_id.diz ...end of Word. This also can be affected by option -jw<d> where <d> specifies the <range> of characters possible in a Word. Starts and Ends of Variable Names: <<V start of variable V (default character range [0-9A-Z_a-z]) V>> end of variable V (same) These are like the <Start and End> of Word matching symbols but work for Variable Names that apply to all other Variable naming conventions used by PDGREPPE in Definition files, Marked Group References and the Character Type Class of "\V" and "\v". All of these can be set by option -jv<d>. Note: These starts and ends are NOT found at corresponding ends and starts of lines or other data areas such as start and end of file marks. Start and End of All Data:: The Single Start-Quote (`) is used to denote a position for the START of an ENTIRE data area. ` start of file pdgreppe -Hjc "`" file_id.diz ...start of file(s). The Single End-Quote (') is used to find the END of FILE or END of an ENTIRE data area. ' end of file Be sure to enclose "'" in double quotes in Text Tool command line parameters or option -jF<d> extension files. It (') is used for single-quoting special characters by default in option -jq<d>. To have this in a double-quoted pattern, break out of a DQ pattern with "<pat1>"'"<pat2>" or omit (') by using another -jq<d> value such as -jq\34 that just specifies a double quote. pdgreppe -Hjc "\N'" file_id.diz ..."\N'" finds a new line sequence "\N" followed by an EOF "'" or END OF FILE. A position symbol as one of ^$<>`' matches ONE OR MORE TIMES. pdgreppe -Hjc "`+" file_id.diz ...start of file ONE time. pdgreppe -Hjc "`+{2,}" file_id.diz ...finds the SOF even though it only occurs once, not two or more times: "`+{2,}".
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