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:[eluLU] :U convert all next to Upper pdgreppe "pattern?" -kekikwkr":U&" file_id.diz ...":U&" changes any string "pattern" in FILE_ID.DIZ to all UPPER case letters by ":U&". :L convert all next to Lower pdgreppe "^@Word" -kekikwkr":L&" file_id.diz ...":L&" changes any "@Word" at the start of a line "^" in FILE_ID.DIZ to all lower case letters by ":L&". :u convert next character to Upper pdgreppe "pattern?" -kekikwkr":u&" file_id.diz ...":u&" changes the front letter of any string like "pattern" in FILE_ID.DIZ to an UPPER case letter by ":u". :l convert next character to Lower pdgreppe "Search" -kekikwkr":l&" file_id.diz ...":l&" sets to lower case the "S" of "Search" in FILE_ID.DIZ by ":l". :e End convert to lower or upper pdgreppe "(Search)(.*)" -kekikwkr":U%0:e%1." file_id.diz ...":U%0:e%1." sets to all UPPER case "Search" in FILE_ID.DIZ by ":U%0" and then adds everything after "Search" unchanged by ":e%1" followed by a period ".". :[ULule]... Control switches modify the case translation of letter characters in edit. For example, if the search pattern is "<john" (the start of a word like "john" or "johnathon"), a match is found, and the replacement pattern is ":u&" then the substitution becomes "John" or "Johnathon" capitalised by ":u" upper-case-1-letter control in the pattern ":u&". Also, the case translation characters will affect the literal string content of replacement patterns. pdgreppe "Search" -kekikwkr":Udisplay" file_id.diz ...":Udisplay" sets to UPPER case ":U" the replacement pattern "display".
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