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NLX has option Menu sections for: File, View, Edit, NLX, Misc and Help. The File, View, Misc and Help menu sections gives standard options like those used by other Text Tools in PentaTextTools. These options are detailed in COMMON Options. The Edit Menu gives important options for changing files. The NLX menu gives a couple of options that allow translation to/from UNIX and Apple-Macintosh style text file New Line sequences. All Options are detailed in this section but some explanations refer You to COMMON Options. For BEGINNERS, useful options can be: -r Recursive search for file(s), dir\files(s) or dir\. -ja just examine All-ASCII files. as detailed below. COMMON OPTIONS: -$ show contact information. -? show program information. -C:f<d> string for File insert for -C options. ([F]) -C:i when option -C<d> Ignore ERROR LEVEL. -C:n when option -C<d> No filter. -C<d> pre-filter input data by Command <d> with sub [F]. -N No process of data. -O turn Off all options. -R<d> Register this program with supplied key <d> and .KEY file. -X<d> eXclude files list.++ -a show All of Many options by Menu. -h select Hidden files too. -jA options with Attached list data (++) can Accumulate. -jF<d> take options and specs from File name <d>. -jT<d> Text characters range is <d>. ([\9\10\13\32-\126]) -ja just examine All-ASCII files. -je expand Environment %VARIABLES% in program parameters. -jf Filter output to Text characters. -jn wait for Network access. -jp do data Prompt. -jq<d> command quote sequence. (") -jt just examine all Text files. -kB show edit Backup:<InputFile>-><BackUpFile> when -ke -ko and -kb. -kF edit Files as NOT having DOS 8.3 file names. -o Omit single file name at start of output. -r Recursive search for file(s), dir\files(s) or dir\. -tA append All output if option -to<d>. -tC open all files as Compatible for sharing. -tF<d> default directories for option -jF<d> command File(s).++ (.;:HOME:) -tI show all options by Input/Output. -tK allow Key buffer for typeahead. -tO append Output if option -to<d>. -tS show all options by Sequence. -tT<d> Temporary files directory. (%TEMP%) -tV<d> display message <d> on Video screen. -tW append Warnings and error messages if option -tw<d>. -ta<d> save All output to file <d>. -tb disable VGA Blink. -tc<d> column to wrap data display. -td show screen space or tab as Dot or diamond. -te Eliminate screen status line. -tf try old standard DOS 8.3 File names first. -ti use Input by pipe | or redirect < for Keys Input. -tk press Key to continue. -to<d> save Output to file <d>. -tw<d> save Warnings and error messages to file <d>. -tx use eXplicit *: and / in file paths. See Common Options. OPTION: -f show File name at front of each line. This will put a file name in the front of each line of output unless option "-ke" is being used to modify the file. See Common Options. OPTION: -kb Backup edit original file. See Common Options. OPTION: -ke modify or Edit input file by translation. See Common Options. OPTION: -kf Force edit changes to file if write protected. When edit file (option -ke or -ko), let file be modified even if the original file is Read Only. OPTION: -ko modify original file by edit, same as -ke. See Option -ke. OPTION: -kt if modify original file (-ke) keep previous Time and date. If option "-ke" (modify-input-file-by-translation) is being used then any files the program encounters will have their time and date kept the same as before being changed. OPTION: -kw omit edit Warnings. For safety of data, especially to beginners to NLX, warning(s) are given for conditions that would cause loss or changes of data by mistake. IF YOU ARE A BEGINNER TO NLX... IF YOU ARE A CASUAL USER OF NLX... IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR EDIT SESSION... NEVER use this one. OPTION: -m translate to MAC format ASCII 13 Carriage Return. NLX usually converts files having single CR and LF characters as end-of-lines to have CR-LF sequences for end-of-lines as used by MSDOS. This option changes CR-LF (PC format) and single LF (UNIX format) sequences to single CR characters (MACINTOSH format). nlx -m file_id.diz ..."-m" shows translation where single CR characters are shown on screen as bright 'R' (Return or CR) characters. OPTION: -s Summary of File and Results per file. This occurs once for each file translated. It shows: the name of the File, the Edit Backup File if editing original file with backup (-kb), and the options in effect. nlx -s file_id.diz OPTION: -ts show technical Summary. This occurs once for each file searched. Shows numbers for length of file, date and time of file, if edit original file (-ke), the length of modified file, if edit original file (-ke), the date and time of the modified file, This summary contains items that would be part of a comprehensive translation. It is meant to be used with the small summary option (-s). nlx -ts file_id.diz OPTION: -u translate to UNIX format ASCII 10 Line Feed. NLX usually converts files having single CR and LF characters as end-of-lines to have CR-LF sequences for end-of-lines as used by MSDOS. This option changes CR-LF (PC format) and single CR (MACINTOSH format) sequences to single characters LF (UNIX format). nlx -u file_id.diz ..."-u" shows translation where single LF characters are shown on screen as bright 'L' (LineFeed or LF) characters.
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