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The minimum requirements for these programs are 1) any IBM PC with DOS version 2.0 or better and 2) about 128K of free RAM. Sometimes they also need writeable area in the current directory or in a directory specified by the -tT<d> option. Steps to Install: 1) COPY the distribution file, usually named ISPTT30X.zip into an archive safe-keeping directory on your hard disk and at least one diskette. 2) BACKUP of PentaTextTools. Put the original ZIP files and/or disks somewhere safe or make note of where they were obtained from. If using a registered copy of PentaTextTools, store the original license and details in a safe place. Also keep a copy of these such as Serial Number, Registration Name and contact addresses in a separate place. If replacing a previous version of PentaTextTools, keep the old version of PentaTextTools in a safe place for backup purposes. 3) EXTRACT ISPTT30X.zip into an appropriate directory with a utility like PKUNZIP or UNZIP with DOS command-lines like: cd c:\dos that changes your current working directory to "c:\dos". Then issue a command like PKUNZIP ISPTT30X or UNZIP ISPTT30X Or use a MS Windows Un-Zip program from within MS Windows. All *.EXE files should be put in a directory normally accessed by the %PATH% ENVIRONMENT variable such as c:\dos 3) Run the README file. To run the README.EXE file, all other files in PentaTextTools from the distribution file (ISPTT30X.zip) should be in the current directory on the current drive. Other Notes on Installation Adjusting System Files: CONFIG.SYS This is a system file that is found on many MS-DOS systems in the root directory or folder. It is used to CONFIGURE a system that runs with MS-DOS. PentaTextTools needs plenty file handles to do things like editing so set FILES to 10 or more by putting a line like files=20 into CONFIG.SYS with an editor. (This is the maximum amount of file for most MSDOS versions.) AUTOEXEC.BAT This is another system file on many MS-DOS systems in the root directory or folder along with CONFIG.SYS. It performs various automatic setup and startup actions like those done by commands from the Command Line Interface. Set TEMP to the directory that has plenty free WRITE space by inserting a line like set temp=c:\temp in AUTOEXEC.BAT with an editor. (A path like "c:\temp" is something You make on your hard drive by typing md c:\temp at the command prompt. It becomes a directory with space for TEMPorary files.) Then use option -tT%TEMP% or -tTc:\temp to store any Text Tool intermediate or temporary files. Option ENVIRONMENT variables See the section on Options.
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