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This release is better than previous sets of PentaTextTools: The MAXIMUM pattern and data size for GREPPES has been increased. PDGREPPE can have many more definitions, larger pattern size and increased use of magic pattern terms. All Text Tools have greater safety via pointer checking. Options Added: See file CHANGES.LOG These tools, like almost all others, are NOT perfect. However they are close to what could be called a final release version. If You report bugs we will report the items improved or fixed here... Problems: START of Pro Peter's Great Bug Report I just tested 15 freeware text search utilities and your programme is the best. I have only used fgreppe because I did not have the time to look at pdgreppe. I FOUND 3 OR 4 BUGS: 1. The -kF parameter (lfn handler) prevents the -kf (write to protected files) parameter from working. I.S. Note: This and some related problems improved. Applies to FGREPPE PDGREPPE NLX. 2. With the -S parameter (summary) - if the -kR parameter (rescan files when shortened) is used and - if some files are shortened, then the shortened files are added twice to the big files total of the summary. I.S. Note: Improved Applies to FGREPPE PDGREPPE 3. With the -S parameter (summary), the results - Lines Searched=x and - Lines Met Criteria=y sometime seem to be wrong. I did not investigate further because, for what I was doing, this part of the summary was not important. But there is probably a bug. You may want to investigate. I used a files sample which included both text and binary files. I.S. Note: Improved Applies to FGREPPE PDGREPPE 4. The Microsoft bug: When the programme pauses and wait for a one key input from the user (it says Press key, Quit is...) the 4 arrow keys must not be used to make the programme move forward. If one of the arrow keys is used, then something stays in the keyboard buffer and prevents the programme from pausing at the next pause. This is not a bug from your programme, it is a bug from Microsoft. I know it because it happened to one of my programmes in 2001. I easyly canceled the effect of this bug by adding a line of code which cleared the keyboard buffer just before pausing for an input from the user. I.S. Note: Improved Applies to ALL TextTools Peter END of Pro Peter's Great Bug Report 5. Command did not work on Windows NT with an error message of "The system cannot execute the specified program." Solution: This is because the command line went BEYOND 127 characters in total length. Try using a shorter command line or the option "-jF<d>" that can extend the command line. Or try using the <PROGRAM>_OPTIONS environment variable to hold DEFAULT values for each command for a Text Tool. 6. PDGREPPE was too slow for searching at start or end of files or if file size was not adequate for search. I.S. Note: Improved Applies to PDGREPPE ***** Note: Every set is given THOROUGH testing prior to release but sometimes an error slips through. We take special care to investigate and correct any problem areas.
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