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Intelligence Services

HEAD 3.13

HEAD can:

Show the front	portion of any file.
Show the middle	portion of any file (-m<n>).
Show the tail	portion of any file (-t).

Display only lines with data (-d).

Extract part of a file as an edit function.

View the front of hidden or regular files 1 screen page at a time.

Do preview only on pure ASCII files (-ja).

Identify each line of front parts of files by File-Name (-f) or
Line-Number (-n).

View files in entire directory trees (Recursive descent) (-r).

Filter data to text (-jf).


Normally PC DOS will output an entire file to the screen and be
UNABLE to handle non-textual characters.

	type vendinfo.diz

Notice the output flew past at greater than a 100 miles per
hour including possible binary characters that can wreak
havoc with your screen.

	head -jf -l30 vendinfo.diz

Much better with file vendinfo.diz filtered to accurately show
the leading 30 lines (with option -l30) of text content also with
non-textual characters filtered out (option -jf).


Most computer text files contain some detailed information in
their first few lines that describe what the file contains, is
related to or is created by.

Even non-text files, such as binary files, often contain large
amounts of text information that follows the same basic format.

HEAD can also show just the text portions of BINARY files too by
option -jf.

HEAD and other PentaTextTools can FAST-CYCLE through many text files
that are sent to the screen.  This is done by pressing the TAB
key at the end of each full screen of text display.  FAST-CYCLE
then presents the HEAD of the next file for display.

HEAD permits You to just see the first relevant information for
each file without having to wade through deeper water that You
might not want to enter.



The MS-DOS ERRORLEVEL variable is affected by this program.

Program Return Value (MS-DOS ERRORLEVEL)


0	Success.  Data output.
2	Program given bad options or data.
3	Program failure.  (Please contact by EMAIL: intlsvs@gmail.com)

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Intelligence Services

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EMAIL   :   intlsvs@gmail.com