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PDGREPPE Separation

 ,		Start to interpret new symbol or sequence

Use the Separation operator "," to segregate items in a pattern.

For example : to separate an escaped number from a string


makes a pattern that will match data with byte 0 being ZERO
followed by the character '0' followed by the character '9'.

For example : to separate a repeat string from a group


makes pattern "x*" followed by group "{22}".

	pdgreppe -Hjc "\0h30" file_id.diz

..."\0h30" finds the character '0' (Hex 30) in file_id.diz.

	pdgreppe -Hjc "\0h30,1" file_id.diz

...separation operator "," in pattern "\0h30,1" helps find the
character '0' (Hex 30) followed by the character '1' in

	pdgreppe -Hjc "\0h301" file_id.diz

...a pattern of "\0h301" does not work.

A character of numerical value 301 does not fit in a character
table having a maximum of 255 characters.

A pattern or sub-pattern that ONLY consists of one or more
separations "," is an empty pattern and matches EVERY data point
for zero width.

Finally, the "," feature can add readability to a pattern:


might be easier to see as 3 parts than


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