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Intelligence Services

PDGREPPE Literal File

 :f[<file>]	insert Literal (no-magic) pattern from <file>

This is a way to use a file's contents as part of the pattern.

NO interpretation of any magic is done on the file's contents,
so the insertion is a Literal interpretation.  This can be good
when searching for a binary or mixed binary/text sequence that
could have any assortment of characters, including ones that
would have been magic.


	pdgreppe -Hjcl ":fFILE_ID.DIZ" *.*

...":fFILE_ID.DIZ" finds the file FILE_ID.DIZ because it
contains its own data that is used for the literal search

The size of the included file can probably be up to 50 KiloBytes
depending on the size of other parts of the pattern and possible
edit replacement pattern.

If the file is not found "as is" with the current path, another
attempt is made to Include the file with the directory path(s)
given by option "-ji<d>".

Also, any balanced pairs of "({<[" and "]>})" can be used to
delimit the file name.  If the file name itself contains these
in an unbalanced state, then different pairs must be used to
delimit the file name.

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Intelligence Services

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